Tuesday, November 07, 2006

the label didn't say anything about poisonous.

Trader Joe's was selling rambutan yesterday. I bought them for Birdie's school lunch, thinking she would like their strangeness, if not their taste. (Supposedly a cousin to the lychee--initial taste tests indicate they are similar in consistency, but much more tart.)

I now note that wikipedia warns:
The single seed is glossy brown, 2-3 cm long, with a white basal scar; it is poisonous and should not be eaten with the fruit flesh.

Poisonous? Hmmm. That was definitely NOT on the label.

Of course, Birdie never eats the weird fruit I send in her lunchbox. I just hope when she traded them for something like a twinkie, she traded with one of those bratty kids who really had it coming, anyway.


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