what is radical?
One result of my moving from government work into advocacy work, is that I've been thinking a lot about radicalism. Radical ideas, radical action. What does it mean to be "radical"? It can mean "out there" or "crazy." For others, radical means "passion," "movement" and "the cause." I work for an organization whose identity is deeply tied to the idea of radicalism. So. How radical am I?
I saw my old buddy Capt. Charlie's appearance on the Today Show the other day, and it occurred to me that perhaps radical is simply about "new." New ideas, new approaches. What is radical one day, is commonly accepted the next.
Posted some thoughts on GGG.
Radical or not, what I CAN say is that both advocacy and change happen to be a lot. of. work. Like, endless hours of it. So for everyone and anyone I owe a call or email, please know that you are in my thoughts! With radical love!

Sometimes, what "saving the environment" really looks like is lots of paperwork!
I saw my old buddy Capt. Charlie's appearance on the Today Show the other day, and it occurred to me that perhaps radical is simply about "new." New ideas, new approaches. What is radical one day, is commonly accepted the next.
Posted some thoughts on GGG.
Radical or not, what I CAN say is that both advocacy and change happen to be a lot. of. work. Like, endless hours of it. So for everyone and anyone I owe a call or email, please know that you are in my thoughts! With radical love!

Sometimes, what "saving the environment" really looks like is lots of paperwork!
I want to talk more about what you mean by advocacy. What does it mean to be an advocate? And, a question to which I know there isn't an answer: does it involve more or less power than policy work?
I worry all the time about being radical enough. About being too radical. Every day I feel more and more like Goldilocks.
Advocacy may involve paperwork, but it also involves some gorgeous color combinations. I never knew the yellow of a mailing envelope could be so compelling next to a blue glowing computer screen. Have you switched to a mac?
just because the thing is white in color, does not it a Mac make! =)
radical enough? i worry about it too. i think the distinction between policy work and advocacy isn't in any sort of power differential, but that the latter demands that you make a stand, take a point of view. the libra in me sometimes finds this hard to do on the fly.
the paperwork load, however, is about the same. = )
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