we ARE them.
Current marathon studying with S has also meant an extraordinary number of hours spent hanging out in coffee shops with study materials. You spend enough time at these places, you begin to see the same faces on a loop--the guy with the duct-taped laptop and cigarette, the guy with the paper and bulldog with red collar, screenplay writer-guy, girl studying for real estate exam. Guy with hat who spends all day on YouTube.

"You notice how some of these people are here, like, ALL the time?"
"Mmmm-hum." She nods, absent-mindedly.
"I mean, who are these losers? They spend ALL day here!"
She looks up, and makes a face.
"My dear, WE are these losers."
"Oh my god. WE ARE."

"You notice how some of these people are here, like, ALL the time?"
"Mmmm-hum." She nods, absent-mindedly.
"I mean, who are these losers? They spend ALL day here!"
She looks up, and makes a face.
"My dear, WE are these losers."
"Oh my god. WE ARE."
How did you take this picture? Do you have gumby arms?
Happy studying, miss you guys!
Gumby arms.
Also excellent at patting my own back. = )
Miss you too!
I’ve been reading and enjoying your blog for sometime now. I love how your posts truly connect to your readership. I’m interested to have an interactive/link-up/post with you. I’ve written a book that you and your audience might enjoy and am preparing to do a virtual blog tour and would love an opportunity to participate on your blog.
However, my young adult book ‘Turtle Feet, Surfer’s Beat’ is only a small part of what I’m trying to build. The book itself revolves around a typical suburban teen girl, Penelope, from the States that is forced to go to Costa Rica with her parents for her father’s job assignment. Involuntarily, her parents sign up Penelope and her little brother to spend two weeks at the Leatherback turtle biological station (for ‘their own good’). Penelope, obviously isn’t pleased but forgives the horrid accommodations and the never ending bug brigade as she sees the turtle and instantly pledges to do all she can to help it from extinction. But hang ten, dudes! Penelope is about to get help. One lonely night, as she’s patrolling the beach for turtle poachers she stumbles and falls directly into the arms of the local surf champ. Together they dive into the world of surfing and marine preservation.
These days, we are constantly facing global problems that seem to be getting worse and worse daily. Living in Costa Rica, I’ve been inspired to take action. I started by writing this book and am now developing a community of teens, surfers, artists, scientist, and everyone else who is interested in working together to have fun while helping out.
I would love to join forces with you and your readers in a fun, interactive way. I will gladly write a post about your blog (and whatever you will like to plug:), plus a link with your blog to my website and blog, in return for a short interview and mention on your blog.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon. To start we can link up!
Thanks so much,
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