Tuesday, February 24, 2009

34 weeks

If it looks uncomfortable, it's because... it is.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


So we went to the first of our birthing/childcare preparation classes.

Because I am apparently the kind of person who will take classroom instruction on just about anything, I signed us up for every class offered in our health plan's Health Education catalogue. K has wisely said nothing about this crammed class schedule, though he could probably have reasonably asked me if I was "on crack or something." But this is why I married the man.

Anyway, after two hours of lecture and videos on labor and delivery, I decided that this class should be more accurately named "large plastic items that we can fit up your manko." Yeesh.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

this one.

Cake Wrecks: Come to the Dark Side: We Have Cake

Now, THIS is what I want in a baby shower cake.