Tuesday, September 22, 2009

old japanese people? totally rock.

Bought our first place, and it was indeed a little bit like this. Except that it turns out that a hundred thousand dollars buys you like 30 square feet in Hawai'i. Our place? Little, but good.

Our new next door neighbor lady, Mrs. S, is the kind of old Japanese person who will bring you a bag of papayas that she has carefully and individually bagged.

Old Japanese people? Totally rock.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Best. Thing. Ever. #3

Spunky monkey: perfect, small, and all dressed up. Friends bearing handmade gifts? Best. Thing. Ever.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Doing the once a month cooking thing, in attempt to cut food costs and eat less preservatives. Have cried "uncle" on the idea that we can cook every night. But we do seem to be able to cook once and then defrost and reheat for the following 30 days. (It does get a little repetitive, but so does Chinese take-out, right?)

The whole scheme is entirely enabled by the fact that my father-in-law has an enormous deep freeze on the property. I have to admit that there is a certain Martha-like satisfaction in a freezer stocked full of a month of impeccably labeled frozen meals.

This month? Rosemary roast potatoes. And lots of 'em.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

It's an indication

I have a small kukui tree in my office. It is alternatively subject to being cared for, and totally neglected, and is a total indication of how my life happens to be going at the moment.

At present? Totally denuded, but for one little new leaf bud poking out on the top.

So, perhaps things are looking up.