reading is fun.
P and Birdie try to read the word "olive oil" on the tricuit box.

"Good, Bird! What does that sound like?"
"ahhhhhhhhhh-live. Olive?"
"Good job! And what do you think O-I-L spells?"
"oh-eeell. oh-eeeeeeel."
"Good! Olive oh-eeeel. What does that sound like?"
"oh-eeeell. oh-eeeeeeeeeeeel. oh-eeeeeeeeeeel. I don't know!"
"Bird. What do you like to dip your bread in?"
She pauses to think.

"Good, Bird! What does that sound like?"
"ahhhhhhhhhh-live. Olive?"
"Good job! And what do you think O-I-L spells?"
"oh-eeell. oh-eeeeeeel."
"Good! Olive oh-eeeel. What does that sound like?"
"oh-eeeell. oh-eeeeeeeeeeeel. oh-eeeeeeeeeeel. I don't know!"
"Bird. What do you like to dip your bread in?"
She pauses to think.
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