ahoy, there.
Because we are the impatient sort when it comes to presents, P and I exchanged our Christmas gifts last night.
He, from me, a 7' fish. In a lovely shade of yellow.
To me, from P, SAILING LESSONS! A whole series of them, for the spring. Though I live on a boat, my solo boating savvy is is, er, quite not. I can tie the occasional knot and read a radar... but to really sail? My head, it exploded.
So looking forward to blue water sailing adventures, and misadventures. Coming to this blog in the coming months!

He, from me, a 7' fish. In a lovely shade of yellow.
To me, from P, SAILING LESSONS! A whole series of them, for the spring. Though I live on a boat, my solo boating savvy is is, er, quite not. I can tie the occasional knot and read a radar... but to really sail? My head, it exploded.
So looking forward to blue water sailing adventures, and misadventures. Coming to this blog in the coming months!

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